The Road to Unemployment (Tessa)

People have been telling me that I should have been making these decisions in high school. This week I have had the awakening, the awakening for which an unlucky few experience. This is the time when you realize that you are in the wrong course.

For me, this has come in the form of changing my major. I have come to the realization that I am a modern singer, studying to sing opera. It will take me the rest of the year to change over and then I will use what little credit I have in the classes I have done to make up some time.

Dear Reader, I wonder if you have ever faced this question. Are you doing the right thing? The words pounding in your head as you look out into your good, happy existence and ask yourself if you really need to change.  You are doing well, enjoying yourself and yet something is just not right. The Elephant in corner of the room can only sit so long with un upset stomach before the sound starts getting louder and the gas more toxic till you are forced to leave the room. So now I am leaving the room. It has been comfortable, good and fun but the voice that I shoved deep down inside me is making its last-ditch effort to scream before it suffocates.

When I told my mum what I was going to do she told me her story. Around the same age as me, she could have made the hard choice to stop walking down the path she was on, but she didn’t. Today she regrets that she didn’t listen to her inner voice.

I’ve made my decision. It will be hard, very hard but at least I now know that I have done the right thing. Next time, dear reader, I promise my post will be a tad more uplifting.



PS. I’ve been listening to Captain Beefheart a lot nowadays. Check out Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart- muffin man (1975). I highly recommend it, if you like odd artists from the 70s singing songs about men who prefer muffins over cupcakes.  (

3 thoughts on “The Road to Unemployment (Tessa)

  1. Doing a music degree can be a difficult journey indeed, but such a fulfilling and enriching journey. I’m in my final year of BMus, and boy time flies fast! My advice is always know:
    1) What your purpose is of doing BMus, or in any degree you are going to be perusing in?
    2) What you would like to get out from your studies?
    I, myself had faced difficult times too, and yes, I had faced with this question too, “Why am I doing a music degree?” The answer that I always formulate is, “Well, it’s because I love music, and I can never imagine myself in any other degree whatsoever.” If whatever reason if I happen to be in the wrong course, I would explore the qualities that I am good at, or areas that I am passionate about. You do you. If you need any advice on career advice for music, or maybe some form of guidance in your situation, you can always go and see our MCM Career Advisor, Susan. She’s so helpful in many ways. I hope this helps. 🙂

    You can check out my past posts when I was in first year in this blog page, and my second year and current posts about being in third year in Back for Seconds. I hope to meet you soon around the con! 🙂

  2. What an inspiring post. Well done on listening to that inner voice. Great advice from you – and your clever mum.

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