Greetings from Grace

Hi everyone. This is your new blogger Grace speaking xD

When I was in high school, I had SO many questions about uni ngl, and it would’ve made life easier if someone answered all of them. I’m delighted to be able to share my experiences at Unimelb with you, and hope the ways I deal with difficult situations can help you out in some way. Stay tuned for more, and feel free to ask any questions you have about uni, finding accommodation or just life in general.

For starters, I’m from a rather small city in New Zealand, so heading to big ol’ Melbourne was an adventure of its own. The population of Melbourne is about the same as the whole of New Zealand. Can you imagine that? 4.8 million people squished into one big city. Needless to say, I got lost. The campus is HUGE. Google Maps saved my life on multiple occasions.

On the flip side, I only decided I would be a Unimelb student about a month before I arrived (talk about leaving things to the last minute). Shock horror: there were hurried preparations, but somehow, I’m here. It’s 5 weeks into Semester 1, and I’m finding that being a Commerce student isn’t that bad. Although if you feel the struggle, welcome to the club. Uni aside, my interests include learning languages (particularly Japanese), doing calisthenics and reading. I also enjoy listening to good stories, so if you’ve got a good story, I’d like to hear it.

Anyways, thanks for reading my first post, and stay curious like this cute puppy 🙂

For the Love of Writing: Employee of the Year! Who Me ...


Grace 😊

4 thoughts on “Greetings from Grace

  1. Hi Grace,

    Great post! How did you find adjusting to Melbourne coming from overseas?


    1. Hi EragusTrenzalore,

      Thanks for the question! I found adjusting to Melbourne weirdly difficult despite having traveled quite a lot. I reckon it was a combination of factors like moving away from home, not knowing anybody, having to sort out accommodation and travel and having to adjust to a new city environment. I’ll talk about how strangely isolated I felt when I first arrived in an upcoming post!

      Grace ^-^

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