
  1. Booking plane tickets back home

    Hey everyone, here’s my spiel for the day. To all the international students and Australians who have to take a plane back home, DO NOT BOOK THEM UNTIL YOU KNOW YOUR EXAM SCHEDULE!!!!! I speak from experience. Not knowing that my exams would be the first three days of the exam period 🤯, I naively […]


  2. Moving out of home! To a new country!

    Hey everyone, Amy here! Today’s topic will be moving out of home and adapting well to a new home and a new life! I am personally from New Zealand so that’s about three and a half hours to four hours plane ride away! At first it was incredibly daunting moving to a new country, but […]


  3. Hi! I’m Amy!

    Hey everyone! My name is Amy (one of many you’ll likely meet, no, seriously, there are like a million Amy’s here at uni). Nice to meet you all 🙂 This is going to be an introduction of sorts and a get to know me. Let’s get all the boring (or not so boring) facts out […]
