Normality Recommence (Cara)
So, I remembered occasionally over the course of the glorious and lengthy mid-year break that I have a blog, and considered posting an entry. But really, darling readers, I didn’t think that my tales of debauch and revelry had quite enough to do with The First-Year Experience to merit an entry, so you’ll just have […]
Chapter Twenty-Four: Feet Found (~jinghan)
I was really quite nervous as the elevator made it’s way to level four. I was going to a dancing class run by the MUDC*. (It took me a while to work out what the acronym stood for and which of the 15 clubs I had signed up it was that was bombarding my inbox. […]
Chapter Twenty-Three: A Second First Day (~jinghan)
At 8:09 I wake up. At 8:15 I fall asleep again. At 8:30 my alarm wakes me up again. I had a dream. I dreamt that I had heard my text message tone. I flip open my phone. I had indeed heard my text message tone. I start thumbing some words, but decide it is […]
Ah, and so tomorrow begins a new semester, same subjects (…kinda), same campus. There’s a mid-year intake, ja? New people! HI NEW PEOPLE! I HAVE TIPS FOR YOU. – wait until after the first week to sort out whether you actually need to purchase the textbooks. it says you should buy them, but this mostly […]
Cristina would like to re-add you as a friend. Confirm/deny? (Cristina)
Dear person reading this who (hopefully) used to hold me in high regard but would now probably feel inclined to deny a friend request from me on Facebook due to my appalling blogging skills, It has been roughly 46 days since I last blogged. You probably want an explanation for that. Well, to be perfectly […] -
Exam results: miracles, and disappointment.
Expected to fail one subject, but passed that and failed another. It's like being crushed and being exhilarated at the same time... Resulting in confusion-wrapped
Chapter Twenty-Two: Life Under A Rock (~jinghan)
In TV shows, high school is harsh, people are judged, challenged, labelled et cetera, et cetera. In my real life, high school was a sheltered little Eden, sweet and nice, but it didn’t force me to come out from under my rock. In TV shows, high school is harsh. I say this with a lack of […]
Chapter Twenty-One: Dressed for Show (~jinghan)
“I love school uniforms, I mean do you want to decide what to wear every morning?” I said it back in primary school. I said it in high school. I said it in a rebellious tone, but perhaps it was more of a whimpy excuse than gutsy personality. I hear the tap of my heels as I […]
"Tell you all about it when I get the time!" (Pris)
My holidays are a lot busier than even exam times. Go figure! But before I leave, two things: 1. I really don’t like the new timetabling system. 2. My affection for my childhood toys has increased tenfold after watching Toy Story 3. Great movie. Ps. One Jump Ahead – Aladdin. Also a great movie. I […]
Three Steps to Studying for Uni Exams (~jinghan)
A self-confessed study-whore’s guide for lost souls Equipment: your favourite stationary, a tree of paper, and a brain (get one for $4.99 from the reject shop!) Time: No more than a week for any one subject* (even that can be too long) or you are studying too much and will die from studying. (I’m warning […]
Number of posts found: 505