
  1. Fahrenheit 451 (Daniel)

    Find it. I double dare you, I triple dare you to find this book at a bookshop. This is a book you cannot find new within Australia at all. Why? Publishers don’t publish it anymore in Australia. Which is really strange because for a book about censorship it’s interesting how ironic it is that we […]

  2. One down.. [ASH]

    And five semesters left to go. So, we start the second half of our first year, and we’ve a better idea of how university life is: – We realise that timetables aren’t fixed. Tutorials/Workshops/Labs are, but lectures? Who cares, just shuffle them around and attend different ones. So for me, less stress when doing my […]

  3. YAY Semester 2 (Daniel)

    A week late….. So far the semester has (for me at least) just started and it feels exactly like the first couple of weeks of semester 1. Minus the O week and getting lost. Instead we have the awkward Tutorials and the awkward introductions yet again. Not that I’m complaining too hard, its just it […]

  4. Love your vet. (Peech)

    So. It's a new semester and I've learnt some hard truths about my future profession. It's not all swanning around in long white coats and patting pretty kitty cats, oh no. Here's some 4 facts to life as a veterinarian which any aspiring animal-lover should know.

  5. Nick Cave would have been more assertive (Jennifer)

    Since exams finished, I have had a glorious month sans uni in which to ponder some of life’s great questions, like who would win Australia’s Next Top Model, whether Metric’s new album Fantasies is better than their last*, and if I’d miss something crucial should I choose to skip chapter eleven of Oscar Wilde’s 'The Picture of Dorian Grey'.

  6. I'm Still here (Daniel)

    “Hey guys!” Daniel sees nothing except a dark eeriness that has penetrated the audience’s chamber, shining a light futively to the left and then the right, he knows it is too late. “I’ve left you all for too long…… How did this occur? What did I do wrong?” Nothing…… he simply was too  lazy to […]

  7. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen [ASH]

    YEAH. it was alright. For me, the first was a lot better – this one was too like.. convenient. Also does anyone know where the twins went?! They were alive then I’ve not a clue where they disappeared to .. But yes, WORTH WATCHING IT REGARDLESS because the effects and amount of explosions and the […]

  8. Holidays! (Daniel)

    Well it’s the holidays with no exams impending, no job to keep me shackled to the institution of the man (read bank account)  and a lot of time to start writing. So to keep existential and minimalistic about it I’ve come up with dot points to discribe the semester. Talking and being polite makes a […]

  9. Exams are almost over! (Peech)

    Why, oh why is the last exam always the hardest to study for? I’ve definitely slipped into holiday-mode. I can’t seem to focus on these… cell-thingies and bone whatchamacallits when gorgeous free, free time is oh so close! Monday, to be precise. Oh, sweet Monday. I do feel a little guilty about the break, though, […]

  10. life is like a box of chocolates…

    …you never know what you’re gonna get.   firstly let me just say that i hope everyone’s having a relatively stress-free exam period, just think – after the 26th it’s a beautiful month filled with nothing! perfect 🙂 That said i have to rant about the horrible time i’m having; and no it’s not purely […]

Number of posts found: 506