Category: Finding help at uni

  1. Day 1, 3 lectures :p (Daniel)

    So here I am again, updating faithfully to the 1st year blog. Hoo-rah, Hoo-rah. <- Indication of sleepyness and not sarcasm. If it was sarcasm it’d be a pretty bleak thing to uphold, this is more along the lines if the British had all snuggled up with a hot chocolate and blanket at the Battle […]

  2. You, me & Alloc8 [SuziQ]

    What with the traditional Entering-University hazing basically relegated to the Collegiate, I found my first real test-of-character-and-assorted-idiocy-referred-to-euphemistically-as-‘tenacity’ with the artist formerly known as Alloc8. (I mentally spell it ‘AlloKate’; I fear this may have consequences for any Kates I meet in future. A preemptive apology to all the Kates and Katherines-who-shorten if I come across […]

  3. It's been a long time between drinks…

    So, Sara has been rather unnoticeably absent in this blog ever since she first started here. But it has been a busy year, which really isn’t much of an excuse, but let’s just pretend that it is and move on, shall we? Today has been a jam-packed day, and it pretty much sums up everything […]

  4. Ack.

    As I always like to say, life is full of ups and downs. For today, the up was that I didn’t have to come into Uni until 4:15pm for String Class which usually runs until 6:15pm but rarely finishes at that time. The down was that I missed getting my preferred tutorial time for my […]

  5. nikhedonia – if only [nicola]

    So I believe that things are slowly beginning to fall into place – ok, so perhaps a routine hasn’t quite been established yet, but there are certain routes one takes to classes and there are people whom one routinely spots in lectures. (There is a guy in my bio lecture who I see 3 times […]

  6. A Thank You From The Bottom Of My Heart (Lara)

    Ahh talk about blog rejection!! Must have meant I was studying uber hard…or had lots to do… haha sort of. I’d like to think so anyway 😛 Well where do I start :O I guess the last few weeks of college. Val dinner was lots of fun; it’s always so nice to see everyone at […]

  7. what now? (Jim)

    SO the yr 12s received their results. Hope it is good news. If not u can always work hard and change course next year. 🙂 u should speak to ur career advisor if u need help. maybe even call up uni course coordinator to seek info. Furthermore if u are unsure of ur career path, […]

  8. Hopefully not The End of An Era (Sophie)

    So it’s a Saturday afternoon and I am feeling rather reflective while being on just a couple of hours sleep. I have been extraordinarily busy, and am rather looking forward to Monday…make that Tuesday, where I can spend a day doing absolutely nothing! Despite being so busy I am in wonderful spirits due to some […]

  9. Revelation! (Johanna)

    Seeing as this blog is supposed to chronicle the bad as well as the good things involved in First Year uni, I thought I should share something a little.. well, personal. Hopefully being open will make others feel better about being open as well, because stigma is a horrible thing. Before I begin, please let […]

  10. Sleepy (Rick)

    Got a flu on Friday. Some other people did too. I feel better now – how about you? (sorry that was so cheesey) Not really in the mood for writing (heaps), but I don’t want to let you down. But it is very strange not to hear from Jez for so long. Must be still […]

Number of posts found: 62