Category: Study

  1. Who remembers Chicken Twisties? {Tom}

    Well I do. And they were amazing. I was reminded of them the other day when I went to the RCH for a meeting – the lady organising it had this really nice popcorn for us to eat. It was Coles Organic popcorn (green bag, flavour was “sweet and salty”) and it was amazing. So […]

  2. Yawn* Days off are tiring too! (Dan)

    Yay posting…. And now I’ve forgotten what to say. So I will describe my busy day. I woke up, found some clean pants, went out, bought presents, went to a friends place on the other side of the city, picked my little sister up and had saxaphone practice. Yay descriptive……… I need to work at […]

  3. Homer to Hollywood: a Student Epic

    Ok. So I know we’re technically meant to put our real names in brackets in the title but I really don’t want to... given my proneness to vicious and bitter rants [...]

  4. Put gerbils in your pockets (Jennifer)

    Blogging is an odd concept, based on the assumption that readers, should they exist, actually give two mouldy figs about what you're saying (unlikely). But for the purpose of this exercise, I'll proceed nonetheless.

  5. I'm an Adult. (Excuse me While I Call my Mummy)

    Well. That was possibly one of the busiest and most stressful weeks of my life. [...]

  6. My kittens herd dust bunnies into corners (Peech)

    It’s first week over and I already have to do a major assignment. Why, oh why?! I knew I was setting myself up for a tough year, but the number of things I’ve had to learn/do this week make me feel like I’ve been tossed into the deep end of an ocean. For example, I […]

  7. Grinning like a (non) Cheshire cat. (Natty)

    I just noticed that when I log in to write a new post, the computer says ‘Howdy Natty’ at the top of the screen. Haha how strange, is this the same for everyone else? And how are you guys all so organised with your foot notes and stuff?? Madness! I am obviously the tortoise of […]

  8. Act it out, if you will [Vincent]

    (This is a long entry – over 1400 words, wow. Kind of contradicts my disclaimer below then = = I’m sorry that I write about my boring all-and-sundry day, but I promise it’s only because the first two days of uni are especially memorable. Being the usually forgetful me, I shall have much less to […]

  9. My Most Recent Torrid Love Affair Gone Awry [Suzi]

    In other news, I fell asleep during my second lecture today. Not much else needs to be said. It was an accident; I have absolutely nothing against Accounting - but I fear it holds a vendetta against me. Behold, the evils of Counting Godz (A.K.A. The Numbersmen* – they rent out the name to an up-and-comin’ band from Reykjavik on weekends for extra profit.)

  10. Mourning the loss of a blue jacket [Vincent]

    (I write late at night, mostly because I get to wrench my laptop off my brother at 10 pm only…) It sort of dawned on me earlier this evening, that perhaps first days always have to make themselves memorable in later life by causing something undesirable to happen. At least in my case. Gah. I […]

Number of posts found: 414