Category: Uncategorized

  1. Hopefully not The End of An Era (Sophie)

    So it’s a Saturday afternoon and I am feeling rather reflective while being on just a couple of hours sleep. I have been extraordinarily busy, and am rather looking forward to Monday…make that Tuesday, where I can spend a day doing absolutely nothing! Despite being so busy I am in wonderful spirits due to some […]

  2. Anybody Here? (Johanna)

    Almost Christmas. Come to the Christmas department at Myer and buy things, preferrably from me. On second thoughts, don’t. I’ve only had three shifts and I still don’t know how to use the cash registers properly. It seems silly to use ‘Christmas’ as a descriptor, seeing as it is made up of “Christ” and “mass” […]

  3. Picking Up the Pace (Johanna)

    Classes are over, and there is nothing that I have to think about anymore. It’s strange – one day after handing in my last assignment, I was laying on the couch thinking, “How am I going to handle moments like this where there is nothing pressing, nothing to be done?”. I suppose I’m used to […]

  4. Back Home (Rick)

    After all the exams were finally over, I went to see how I would go at the U-Film Fest state final. Unfortuantely Angry Man didn’t do so well, but lost to another animation of a whole bunch of only slightly related themes, from RMIT. After spending the first few days after exams going to music […]

  5. A little bit of happiness (Sophie)

    I need to share with the world the fact MOTOROLA is replacing my phone! My skills of negotiation were put to the test with a Multi-National company and I won. It was tough, but I got right to the top – Manager of the whole call centre! He knows my case very well now. Nice […]

  6. Red-letter day, black heart (Sophie)

    Well, I know at the very least I am due for an update on here – especially considering my last post which was when I was definitely worse for wear compared to my usual self. It has been a pretty difficult last week and a half. Fate did intervene in some respect and I don’t […]

  7. Like a wave that must come crashing down… (Sophie)

    Had Accounting today. Went really shit. I’m so disappointed. I studied SO HARD for it….I went in, and everything just crashed. The first question was of the type I has been struggling with (and consequently spent hours practicing). I didn’t have enough room to do workings and so I stuggled to do a page’s worth […]

  8. Mine’s (Lara)

    ..shorter Rick 😛

  9. Shortest Blog Entry (Rick)

    Shortest Blog Entry – Ever

  10. FINISHED (Chris)

    Gee golly gosh, I don’t think I’ve had such a weight off my shoulders since I finished the HSC. All of my assessments are done, everything handed in to the best of my rushed-to-finish-do-tutors-really-care-about-word-count standard. I’m reasonably happy, but as always, I won’t really know until the lovely Thursday of December 7th. I am aiming […]

Number of posts found: 1217