Category: Uncategorized
I want to get away…to Fly Away (Sophie)
It is so amazing how exams seems to hit you right BAM SMACK in the middle of “more important things”. This semester has been no exception from the rule. I am glad that I am generally the kind of person who thrives on high stress environments, because life always seems to put me on it’s […]
It is a sad, sad day because… (Lara)
I have my first EVER university examination tomorrow. Genetics and the Evolution of Life. And I feel a tad… stuck. Ohhhh dear. My BRAIN ISN’T working anymore !! Will report on it sometime after it’s been and gone, unless it turns me into a hopeless emo haha! Good luckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, I know I need lots of […]
In the depths of Study (Sophie)
Day 1 of exams: I’m actually feeling pretty damn good. It’s Macro and I am READY! I am so studied that I can’t sleep because Macro knowledge is running through my brain! It might sound weird, but in a way I am excited. I am totally on edge, the adrenaline is up and I can’t […]
“My friends call me Jez, but YOU can call me Sir Dishbitch…” (Jeremy)
I think Dad summed it up best. I’d come home rather bedraggled from a fun day’s work, slaving behind a dishwasher for a sum of money so small even the ABC would knock it back, and I launched into an enormous tirade about the boss. I try not to speak ill of my previous managers […] -
Horror!!! (Rick)
THE HORROR!!! Two weeks ago, I went into a surf shop to try on some jeans I’d spotted. After I worked out I didn’t like them, I had to wait for my brother to finish trying on his stuff, when the music started to play Justin Timberlake’s Future Sex. ARRRRGGGG!!!!!!!!! It was at this moment […] -
Okay…so sometimes exams are bad, And sometimes… (Sophie)
Edit: Friday morning: Something I found very inspirational to those of us struggling with current learning circumstances. “He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart. And in our own despair, and against our will, comes Wisdom by the awful Grace of God.” […]
If I Pass… (Johanna)
Most of my ideas about what is going to happen next year are prefixed by this – “If I pass..”. It’s worrying. In high school people would go out of their way to make me pass.. there was a particularly nasty time I remember when I was coughing up half a lung from a horrible […]
Between a rock and a hard place [Exams+Study] (Sophie)
I’m alive. That is basically it. I’m studying like a maniac….and am embarassed to say HOW DAMN HARD I FIND ACCOUNTING. I just find it so trivial remembering which account to debit, which account to credit….I like it when it’s more theory based. That is definitely more interesting rather than the physical calculations side to […]
Procrastination (Jim)
sorry for the late blog entry, i promise i write more once i finish my exams. then i have plenty of time to reflect on my experiences and share them with u guys. Procrastination Oh man this is the trigger for my depression. i hate it. This evilness deserves our blog attack. Cause: I am […]
Quickie (Chris)
Only been to one other MIAF event since last week – crazy Japanese performance-art-dance-theatre-i-dunno-how-the-bloody-hell-to-categorise-it company Dumb Type’s “Voyage”. It was very Japanese, and absolutely nuts. I enjoyed it, though I wish I had been more sober when watching. Otherwise, I no longer have the internet at home as my housemate who’s parents paid for it […]
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