Horror!!! (Rick)

THE HORROR!!! Two weeks ago, I went into a surf shop to try on some jeans I’d spotted. After I worked out I didn’t like them, I had to wait for my brother to finish trying on his stuff, when the music started to play Justin Timberlake’s Future Sex. ARRRRGGGG!!!!!!!!! It was at this moment I realised I’d been avoiding hearing this song since it’s realease a month before. I desperately hope I won’t be hearing it again for a while. (My poor brother has to put up with it almost daily, apparently. The school bus has a pop station on and my brother’s CD player and Mini-disk player don’t work!)

Last Thursday we had our valedictory dinner. This time I’d managed to finish the Applied Mathematics assignment so I didn’t have to worry about it that night. There were lots of speeches by students and staff, and were thankfully all quite amusing, interesting and not overly long.

We went out after to a local pub, JC’s just around the corner. We had free access to the Juke-Box, but early on someone chose a bunch of songs so never got to some of the selections I made earlier. (There really wasn’t much there I was interested in, being full of pop-music and Justin Timberlake, which thankfully wasn’t played. (at least Future Sex, I may have missed a song that wasn’t quite so bad.)) Due to lack of funds I kept myself at one pint of beer for the night, but didn’t mind too much since the money could be spent on what are much more important things.

We later went out to the Spiegeltent at the Arts Centre. With kooky Jazz music, many mirrors and wacky lights (which in turn reflect off the mirrors) created quite a unique experience. Some songs were much easier to dance to than others, but what I didn’t quite understand was why there needed to be two DJs, considering most of the time it looked as if they were just sitting there? Nearly all the men there wore trilby hats, just to make the place even more interesting. I danced with a drunk girl from college, but we couldn’t seem to keep time with a beat that meant you either had to go slow, which was boring, and going fast kept ending up in comotion since she was too drunk to dance in such a way. (It would also be in part of my lack of dancing experience.) After we left, I heard the DJs just starting to play Herbie Hancock’s Chameleon. I so wanted to go back, but no one else wanted to. I had to convince myself it wasn’t that important and I could hear it in the Rowden White. It would have been nice to have it in the Spiegeltent though.

I’ve applied to be a student host for next years orientation. I went to a group interview yesterday, where we had to first talk about something in one of thirteen topics, myself choosing to talk what I like most about my course. For me it’s been the people I’ve met in it. They’re people I’ve found very easy to get along with, and although I’m friendly with people outside, I can just relate to those in my course just so much easier, and am starting to make some really good new friends. The next thing we had to do was a weird game in which we had to try to find out stuff about other people, but without talking. We were given certain things to look out for, such as if they had a cat, played a musical instrument, were vegetarian or had been bungee jumping. Bungie jumping proved to cause alot of difficulties, as trying to act out bungee seemed to imply to people that they had been bungee jumping, rather than trying to ask a question. With one partner we went through things very quickly, and then felt uncomfitable because we didn’t know what else to do. (and the interviewees were watching.) After about six of us were talking after the session for a while on various stuff, and chances are I’ll be saying hi to some of them next year. (just around Uni, I’m not implying that I am getting in.)

I’ve been leaving my USB stick in the room a few times in the computer room lately at Medley Hall. Then later I think I’ve lost it because I can’t find it in my room. I went back for it a few days ago, and realised the lid had gone. I thought it was gone, until, for some bizarre reason, it was sitting in the dining hall on the table where all the food for lunch usually sits. (and this bench is cleared several times a day after it is wiped and the food put away.)

Now finally, Angry Man.
The venue, date, and everything has changed!

Here are the official details:
U Film Fest Vic State Final
Wednesday 15th November
North Dining Room
Union House
University of Melbourne
Doors open 7pm
Event starts 7:30pm
James (the U-Film Fest Co-ordinator) says
Sorry for the delay in this. Everything is now locked in! The venue is
going to be (this may be boring for you…) the North Dining Room again,
but I’m going to put lots of effort into making it awesome. For example,
we’re going to have three projectors! Big sound! and, er… FREE booze.”
I really just wonder what the hell are they going to do with three projectors, but I’m guessing it’s a joke. I have slight doubts as to whether the sound will be any bigger than last time. Hopefully we’ll have a funny host and James will probably do the usual mocking of the host to make a great night.

James (the U-Film Fest Co-ordinator) says”I really just wonder what the hell are they going to do with three projectors, but I’m guessing it’s a joke. I have slight doubts as to whether the sound will be any bigger than last time. Hopefully we’ll have a funny host and James will probably do the usual mocking of the host to make a great night.

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