Category: Uncategorized

  1. There is a reason I take lecture notes by hand. (Victoria)

    Yesterday after getting in late to my Reason lecture we had a twenty minute talk on how to use the library directory etc. and I though there’s no harm in me turning on my laptop until the actual lecture starts, right? Wrong. I spent the entire lecture gossiping with an old friend on Facebook about boys […]

  2. How to study for psych (and eat chocolate) – (Simone)

    There is much to celebrate when one has successfully reviewed a lecture on the LMS for Mind, Brain and Behaviour 1 before the actual lecture has occurred! Maybe this sounds a little sad, or a little nerdy, I’m not sure. All I do know is, when you’ve spent a couple of hours with your non-matching […]

  3. I have cried too much in public recently. (Victoria)

    Sometimes events and situations nd budding friendships don’t turn out how you want them to. You lay in bed at night fantasizing about all these new friends you’re making and all the fun you’ll have together. Then you end up walking through the city in the wee hours of the morning in tears. Again. And […]

  4. 'Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not' (Simone)

    I write to you, kind people of this blogsphere, with ‘Man vs Wild’ going on on SBS behind me. My family are hooked on it, sitting on the couch beside me, eyes wide, hoping Bear Grylls will successfully cross the blizzard of snow. “How’s he going to do it, Simone?!” Dad asks me in what […]

  5. The Official Week! (Kiryll)

    How was everyone’s first week? I spoke to a few friends and they have all really liked the start of uni. The official start, the lectures and tutorials, the LMS lecture slides and Echo recordings. I am sure all of us are loving the social uni aspect: there have been thousands of BBQs and even […]

  6. A guy in the library just stood up and did his fly up. I'm concerned as to why it was undone. (Victoria)

    He did it all casually not as though he was surprised to notice it was  open. I can officially say my first week of uni is complete. For the most part I’m happy with my subjects. I’m super happy with Creative Writing: Ideas and Practice and An Ecological History of Humanity. I’m glad I chose […]

  7. A little letter to the future and beyond (Simone)

    FROM: An exhausted, eighteen year old Simone after her first official semester day at the University of Melbourne; Monday, 4th March, 2013 The Living Room Couch   TO: Simone of (the more sophisticated) age of nineteen, at the end of her first year of her Bachelor of Arts Approx time this should arrive to my […]

  8. O-Wightey, Here We Are (Kiryll)

    Good evening! How is everybody resting after a week of absolute mayhem?! I sure was tired after what had been a 5 day marathon of people, smiles, people, rain, tents, South Lawns, queues and more people! My experience didn’t have pub crawls and compressed bodies jumping in unison at central locations in the CBD. But […]

  9. I think someone must be having a party down here because I don't recognise anyone. (Victoria)

    The joys me sharing a building with hundreds of strangers. Really, living with strangers has been great so far. I’ve met so many lovely people from countries and universities I would never have had a chance to. I also had the opportunity to spend two glorious hours watching Nickelodeon yesterday. Although, there’s this one guy […]

  10. O, what a week! (Simone)

    Somehow, it is already Friday – we have reached the end of a rainy, exciting, Orientation week! Last Friday, which only feels like yesterday, I wondered how I would be feeling by now. More nervous about the start of the semester, or less? But thankfully, it is safe to say that if anything, O-week has […]

Number of posts found: 1217