Category: Uncategorized

  1. Sin 30 degrees of the way there feat. Dumbledore's Army (Ben 10)

    The following program is rated PG for Pretty Good.  It contains gratuitous use of the comparative and superlative and mild text scenes.  Channel Ben recommends that you read the following whilst wearing 3-D glasses in order that all the letters are colourful, and generally more aesthetically pleasing. Ahoy there me hearties!  How are we all […]

  2. Procrastination Post (Jessica)

    Hello one and all, I know it is the middle of SWOTVAC. I know I should really be studying right now – but I need a moment or two to relax my noggin’ before my head literally explodes! This past week of SWOTVAC I’ve found myself at Uni more than I was during the semester. […]

  3. SWOT VAC begins…. (Adeshola)

    So we’ve arrived at the lovely period of time called SWOTVAC. It’s an odd time really, a part of you wants to go out and celebrate the end of first semester or stay at home watching movies and TV in bed all day. After all, the name does have the word ‘vacation’ in it. Yet, […]

  4. Note to Self: Top 10 Things to Avoid During What Will Hopefully Be a Productive SWOTVAC Next Week

    1. The Two Cookies for $2.50 ‘Deal’ that you have fallen prey to practically every single day since Uni started. This week of dedicated study is not a good time to re-enforce this bad habit…though of course if you really really think you need them… 2. Using ‘But I Need A Computer To Study’ As […]

  5. Just a quickie (Jessica)

    Hello readers/other bloggers/Transition and Orientation staff/etc, Just a quick little update before I get into an intense study session in the Ballieu library! The lovely KHo reminded me that I haven’t updated in a while, so I thought better get cracking and feel like I am contributing in some way. As many have stated, exams […]

  6. Yet Another Method of Procrastination

    So yes, as has been said a million times before (and will be said a million times again), exams (and therefore the work involved in being capable of decent results) are finally beginning to enter into that frustrating portion of my mind that recognises reality and my inability to avoid it. It’s becoming impossible to […]

  7. So close now…. (Adeshola)

    Wow! Where has this semester gone? It’s 10 weeks that have gone by so quickly, with only two to go. Exams are definitely creeping closer and subjects beginning to wrap up as revision is undertaken. I just completed my “Subject survey” for each subject on the LMS and it was a scary reminder of how […]

  8. it's the final count down ~ jane

    Exam’s are almost upon us *dun dun DUN!* Blazing fastt. There are only 2 more weeks left of lectures/tutes/pracs and all of that before one week of SWOTVAC (Study without teaching vacation) – which is basically, one week of study by yourself, no school D; I will literally be living in either Bailleu or Brownless […]

  9. Nearly there…. (Adeshola)

    So uni life feels well and truly in a routine now. I’m sure most first years are finally at the stage of feeling pretty settled into uni life. It’s a great feeling to be honest! Knowing your way around campus, having a designated seat in lectures and a great group of friends to hang out […]

  10. Settled in…now to study (Jane)

      To me – it seems like it has taken me a VERY long time to really get settled in, only 3 weeks left until the end of semester classes, SWOTVAC and exams and I’m feeling the academic stress start to load up. For much of the first half of the semester, socialising was priority […]

Number of posts found: 1217