Category: Uncategorized

  1. My First Presentation – Finally done

    Day after Tomorrow dawned too early. No complaining, just saying. I was in a state half the day. The other half, preparing my presentation and figuring out ways of not making a fool of myself. When the moment finally arrived, I was much relaxed than I had expected, thanks to the live guitar pre-presentation session. […]

  2. Hello, world! :)

    12:31am, Singapore. Just finished watching a lecture (which I understood precious little of, whoops), and trying to convince myself that everything will miraculously solve itself out and all will be well (now I’m really wishing my life were like a Disney film). At the same time, I’m wondering how to (properly) begin this post, so […]

  3. Too warm for Christmas

    Hello there! Yes, yes I know. It feels like years since I last updated. Past two months have been insane! So much has happened and I don’t where to begin. Just kidding. Things were pretty ordinary. I got caught up with procrastination and it took me a while to wake up from the daze. My […]

  4. Best places to study in SWOTVAC

    I have discovered that the best time to be in the library is on holidays – all I currently see is a barren wasteland of empty chairs and the occasional person hiding behind a laptop. This is completely the opposite to the SWOTVAC library experience were where hunting for chairs is the norm and there […]

  5. Ramblings of a night owl

      I live in Cheltenham and I have at least a painful 4 hours ride (to college and back) every day. Although I enjoy the view of lush green suburbs and striking street art covered walls through the journey, I’m growing numb to it. I mean, when you commute for a good 6 months like […]

  6. I can’t stress this enough

    Hunched upon my bed (terrible posture) at 10:41 p.m. in the night, I realized what I want to write about.   Stress. I’d like to think that I’m good at managing stress. But others refuse to agree. It’s debatable, okay? Life is an amalgamation of various sources of stress. I can’t explain how, but everything […]

  7. Dear Diary, what is Prosh?

    All my conversations lately look like this. Me: I’m doing Prosh Non-proshers: What is Prosh? And thus I launch into my explanation. So I thought, today for my blog, I’d talk about one of the greatest uni events I have discovered at Melbourne Uni. I’m going to go through a list of some of the […]

  8. I’m not a journalist

    Hello sweet potatoes! Semester 2 has officially begun (three weeks ago, actually). Woo! I’m doing my Masters in Global Media Communication and my entire family and extended relatives believe I’m gonna be a journalist one day and appear on TV shows. Wha- I don’t try to correct them anymore. My family has zero idea about […]

  9. Feeling Positive

    After receiving my results for Semester 1 a few weeks ago I guess I can officially claim that “I am an Arts student”! This semester I will be going down to three (from the normal four) subjects in order to be able to work and study at the same time. I am trying my best […]

  10. Veterinarian? Sociologist? Dancer? Hmm

    ¡Buenas tardes! I’m Nicole, a Jaffy (Just Another Fabulous First Year) Bachelor of Arts student, though if I’m being honest I should probably tell you that this is my third degree, officially Mature Age now. Yes, I have an addiction and it is called Learning. *sigh* The path to where I am now hasn’t been […]

Number of posts found: 1217