Marking PhD Candidature Milestones

We are pleased to announce that Jarvis has successfully passed his confirmation for his project “Wearable Haptic Feedback for Conveying Proprioception of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs” on 22nd Feb. We congratulate Jarvis for all of this hard work and look forward to his continued research progress!

Additionally, we extend our congratulations to Xinliang and Tianshi. Xinliang passed his confirmation on 28th Feb with his topic “Muscle Signal Based Interface for Responsive Physically-Assistive Robotics”, and on 13th March, Tianshi delivered his completion seminar for his research titled “Systematic Synthesis of Discrete-Pose Human Prosthetic Interfaces (HPIs)”. We applaud their milestones and wish them continued success in their research.

Journalist: Jon, Xinliang