Posted under Spotlight on student work
“Well, well! What an unenviable job judging must be!” — dissenting reports from the 1947 Travelling Scholarship and Art School Prizes
Mihai Bacaran The Judges’ Report in the 1948 issue of DAUB — consists of two conflicting assessments of the work submitted by students for the Travelling …
Priestley’s Penguins
Andrew Fuhrmann There’s no doubt that Raymond Priestly (1886-1974) had a fondness for penguins. Open any of the fourteen volumes of his Australian diaries (1935-1938) and …
‘Daub’ 1947, 1948 and 1949: The Magazine Produced by Students of the National Gallery of Art School
Daub was a magazine written and illustrated by students of the National Gallery of Art School, now the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) in the …
The beginnings of a brilliant career
Catherine Nunn Daub is a student art magazine which records the first steps in the artistic careers of some of Australia’s most important artists. Several articles …
What changes? What makes an artist?
Diana Tay For a conservator, troubles begin, as troubles often do, in a collection, a museum or perhaps, in an archive. Materials change, degrade and then, …
Number of posts found: 66