Posts tagged with Percy Grainger

  1. A Day in the Life of a Curator

    Special Collections and Grainger Museum Blogger Anastasia Vassiliadis chats to Dr Heather Gaunt about her role as Curator at the Grainger Museum.

  2. Percy Grainger performing the museum

    I visited the Grainger Museum on Tuesday 21 August. As the 2018 recipient of the IMAC award, I have been keen to explore the many collections …

  3. Microtonal piano sounds: a 1930s audio recording and a unique score of Ivan Wyschnegradsky’s Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra in Rare Music

    Percy Grainger’s interest in microtones—notes closer together than the semi- (or half-) tone that is standard in western “classical” music—is well known. In order to realise …

  4. Australian-made piano rolls – a generous donation to Rare Music

    While piano (or pianola) rolls might seem the ultimate in technological obsolescence, rare music was delighted to accept a generous donation of 126 piano rolls (just …

  5. Shakespeare in Steel: exploring links between Edward Dowden’s ‘Shakespeare Scenes & Characters’ and the ‘Gallerie Shakespeare’ portfolio of engravings. Part III.

      On the 15th July 2016, the University of Melbourne’s highly anticipated After Shakespeare exhibition was officially opened, in the Noel Shaw Gallery of the Baillieu Library. Marking …

Number of posts found: 6