Posts tagged with University of Melbourne Archives

  1. George Paton Gallery AV Experimental Art Collection

    When picturing working on the audiovisual (AV) component of the George Paton Gallery Collection, I imagined watching and listening to buried gems from the Melbourne 1970s …

  2. Intern Profile, Carmen Mok, Archives and Special Collections Digital Presence Project

    Hand coloured photograph of Ormond College, 1911

      Today we’re profiling one of our invaluable Archives and Special Collections Interns, Carmen Mok, who is completing her final year of the Master of Marketing …

  3. Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack and the Bauhaus

    Colour photograph of two people looking at a table with various spinning tops. Above the table hangs a colour chart and a colour chart explaining how the spinning tops work.

    Jane Beattie, Assistant Archivist Melinda Barrie, Archivist Georgie Ward, Assistant Archivist 2019 marks the centenary anniversary of the opening of the Bauhaus Arts School in Berlin. …

  4. Whither Business History?: Memory, Message and Meaning by David Merrett

    Emeritus Professor David Merrett, Professorial Fellow in the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Melbourne presentation ‘Whither Business …

  5. Vale Trevor John Hart

    Trevor Hart came to the University of Melbourne Archives (UMA) in January 2001 as its Business Archivist. Trevor was well placed to hold this position due …