Scientific Advisory Committee supports recommendation Keyacris scurra for listing under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act

Progress! For those unfamiliar, the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 is “the key piece of Victorian legislation for the conservation of threatened species and communities and for the management of potentially threatening processes.“, you can find more information onthe act and it’s significance for protecting threatened species in Victoria at the DELWP website. You […]

Picky feeders: Mosquitoes turn their nose up at non-human blood

Words: Ellen Cottingham Image: Perran Ross Most Australians have sat outside on a summers evening only to return inside to find their legs and arms dotted with fresh itchy mozzie bites. It is not widely known that only female mosquitoes bite warm blooded animals or humans. The reason for this is that females use protein […]

Fresh publications!

Climate contributes to the evolution of pesticide resistance | James Maino, Paul Umina, Ary Hoffmann     Abstract The evolution of pesticide resistance through space and time is of great economic significance to modern agricultural production systems, and consequently, is often well documented. It can thus be used to dissect the evolutionary and ecological processes […]

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