Posted under Citation metrics

  1. The Research Impact Library Advisory Service (RILAS)


    If you are looking for resources or need to brush up on your skills in biblometrics, RILAS is the place to go for assistance with managing …

  2. Research impact and engagement: a newbies guide to finding evidence for grants, reporting, promotions etc

    Research impact and engagement: a newbies guide to finding evidence for grants, reporting, promotions etc

    Summary: This session is an introduction to how to find citation counts, FWCI, and more using Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science. Description This webinar will …

  3. Managing Research Impact & Online Engagement in Business & Economics | Webinar (28/08/20)

    Managing Research Impact and Online Engagement

    Are you a Business Economics researcher wanting to improve your research impact?

  4. Working with images? Get advice on copyright & storage | 23 Research Things Blog

    If you use images in your research you need to know how to store and manage your files, and properly consider copyright requirements. Get tips from …

  5. Researcher Connect Online (9 June – 3 July 2020)

    Explore digital tools, research strategies & support across 50+ online events available to graduate and academic researchers at the University of Melbourne.

  6. Research discovery 101: The Observatory of International Research

    Ever find yourself lost in the search for new research in your field? Many research discovery tools deem either too demanding or not trustworthy enough to …

  7. Google Scholar Citation Profiles: the good, the bad, and the better

    Google Scholar Citations lets authors set up a profile page that lists their publications and citation metrics. The citation metrics are updated automatically, and you can …

  8. Does open access increase citations?

      Ever wondered if increased exposure and visibility afforded by open access journals leads to an increase in citations?  This article in the LSE Impact Blog by Yang Li, Chaojiang Wu, Erjia Yan and Kai Li reports …

  9. Altmetrics and the future of research impact

    altmetrics = alternative metrics Altmetrics are alternative metrics used to measure the impact of research. First proposed in a tweet by Jason Priem in 2010, the unclearly defined term …

  10. Measuring Research Impact – traditional and alternative metrics

    Researchers are often required to support grant or promotion applications with evidence of the impact of their research. This week, the last two posts (Thing 22 …

Number of posts found: 35
