Posted under Melbourne Research

  1. Research and the Cloud – Researcher@Library 2017

    Did you know Melbourne Uni has one of the world’s largest IT clouds dedicated to research? Did you know this is part of the world’s second …

  2. Digital Humanities Pathways Forum (Victoria)

    You’re invited to attend the Victoria forum of “Digital Humanities Pathways” which will bring together local and national research groups, platforms, and services working across the …

  3. Open Access of graduate research theses

    The University is committed to the open communication of its research findings and to support this commitment, Academic Board has approved that, from 1 February 2017, …

  4. Team Research and the Research Data Lifecycle

    Last Friday as part of International Research Administrators Day I attended an event that brought together staff supporting research across the university. It was great to …

  5. SciVal training for research management staff

    How does your faculty’s or department’s research performance compare?  Who should you be collaborating with and how do you find them? SciVal*, a web-based strategic analysis …

  6. SciVal Training for university staff

    SciVal Training:  Monday 11 April 2016 Parkville Campus. Training delivered by Dr Steve Riddell, Elsevier. Registrations essential. SciVal is a web-based strategic analysis tool based on …

  7. Research Impact Library Advisory Service (RILAS)

    Applying for a grant? Need assistance with research publication impact metrics? Do you know: How often you are cited? Where you are cited? How to measure …

  8. Research Data Policy update

    The University policy for the Management of Research Data and Records is now available in the University Policy Library For more information about research data management guides, …

Number of posts found: 19
