Posted under Researching

  1. Identifiers: the key to connected research

      ORCID, DOI, IGSN, RAiD!  Alphabet soup?   Australian Research Data Commons explains these commonly used and misunderstood unique identifiers and why they are so crucial …

  2. EduTV is here!

    New to the Library collection is eResource EduTV! This Video Streaming service from Informit contains over 50,000+ broadcast programs from free-to-air and pay TV channels in Australia, …

  3. Qur’ānic Studies Online – Library E-Resource Trial

    Specialising in or interested in Islamic Studies? The University of Melbourne Library Catalogue is currently offering trial access to the Qur’ānic Studies Online database. This trial  is …

  4. New guide: Management of Data and Information in Research

    In June 2019, the Australian Research Council (ARC), National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Universities Australia (UA) issued a series of supplementary guides to …

  5. Visualise Your Thesis – Helpful Resources

    Registered for the 2019 Visualise Your Thesis Competition and have questions about copyright, permissions or using PowerPoint? Take a look at these helpful resources, many of …

  6. 2019 Journal Citation Reports

    Clarivate Analytics have released the 2019 edition of Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which provide a combination of impact and influence metrics for over 11,000 journals from …

  7. Library Map Collection Tour

    THE COLLECTION The Library Map Collection currently holds in excess of 130,000 items from around the world, some being more than 500 years old. The collection was …

  8. Visualise Your Thesis – 2019 Workshops and Events

    Registered for the 2019 Visualise Your Thesis Competition? Stay up to date with all of the upcoming workshops and events available to help you with your …

  9. The 2019 Visualise Your Thesis Competition for Graduate Researchers is now international!

    The 2019 Visualise Your Thesis (VYT) has launched and is now international. Showcase your research, represent your University on the global stage, and win some great …

  10. New Zotero and Retraction Watch Feature

    Get retracted item notifications with new Zotero / Retraction Watch integration feature Zotero is a free tool to help you cite, organise and collect research.   …

Number of posts found: 351
