Posts tagged with Data visualisation

  1. Meet 23 Research Platforms that could enhance your research


    Meet the Research Platforms Overview – webinar Tuesday 9 June 2020, 10:00am -11:00am The University of Melbourne is home to 23 research platforms offering access to …

  2. Generating research impact with graphics

    Why you should prioritise research impact and four reasons to use graphics to do so Toby Green’s ‘Publication is not enough, to generate impact you need …

  3. The Ultimate List of 21 Free and Open Source Data Visualisation Tools

    Visualisation can be effective when communicating complex research. Data visualisations – which may take the form of charts or graphs, diagrams, images, animations and infographics – …

  4. Translating a complex research into an accessible comic format

    A challenge that researchers face is the ability to communicate their work to a broader, more varied audiences. Dr Jan Friesen and Dr Skander Elleuche have …

  5. Data@Melbourne: current and future services

    All research generates, collects and shares files, materials, digital data and records. How are you going with managing all of this? The University provides a range …

  6. How the Look Felt: Data visualization, research and engagement with Deb Verhoeven (Researcher@Library Week 2018)

    This session explores data visualisation practice, and encourages investigation of the various purposes of visualisation for research. Deb Verhoeven, Associate Dean of Engagement and Innovation (UTS) will …

  7. Upcoming Visualise Your Thesis Workshops

    To help you prepare for the Visualise Your Thesis 2018 competition, we have prepared several workshops for all you participants out there. Check out our Researcher@Library …

  8. Visualise your thesis competition 2018

      We invite all University of Melbourne graduate research students to participate in the University’s 2018 “Visualise Your Thesis” competition. The competition gives GRs the opportunity to:   showcase their research to a broad audience  build effective communication and design skills   represent the …

  9. Register for Data Wrangling and Visualisation sessions with SCIP!

    The Social & Cultural Informatics Platform (SCIP) at the University of Melbourne is hosting a series of seminars on data wrangling and visualisation to help you …

  10. Turn your next paper into an infographic

    Infographics are a great choice when it comes to communicating your research to a public, general and wide audience, from researchers who have the same interest …

Number of posts found: 13
