• Jen Martin

    Dr Jen Martin spent many years studying the sex life of possums among other zoological questions. These days she is an award-winning Lecturer: Jenny founded, designed and teaches The University of Melbourne’s highly acclaimed science communication program. She has a popular weekly segment Weird Science on 3RRR Breakfasters and has also been a co-host of 3RRR’s popular Sunday science show, Einstein-a-go-go for more than a decade. Jenny blogs about science for a general audience at www.espressoscience.com and is also a writer for Double Helix, CSIRO’s science magazine for 9 – 13 year olds.

  1. Luke Zappia

    I completed the “Communication for Research Scientists” subject in 2015 as part of my Master of Science (Bioinformatics) degree. I have since done a PhD and …


  2. Erin Grant

    I’m Erin and I’m currently a PhD student in the School of Physics. I took Communication for Research Scientists during my Masters degree and it was …


  3. Kieran Christopherson

    I’m Kieran. I’m a Master of Urban Horticulture student from the University of Melbourne Burnley campus. I work as a Kitchen Gardener for a restaurant in …


  4. Kate Trewin

    Science Communication has been invaluable to me, first in my academic study and now in my professional career. The study of communication is important no matter …


  5. Yating Wang

    When I first met Jenny, it was my most difficult time because I was having communication problems with my supervisors — for English is my second …


  6. Dilini Imbulana

    During my Master of Biomedical Science degree, one particular subject stood out for me as a budding researcher- ‘Communication for Research Scientists’ taught by Dr. Jenny …


  7. Amy LeBlanc

    I first met Jenny Martin when I took her science communication course in the final year of my Bachelor of Science. Although it would be a …


  8. Eun Sub Hong

    I was fortunate enough to undertake the science communication subject taught by Dr. Jenny Martin during my Master of Biomedical Science degree. The interactive subject helped …


  9. Joshua Munro

    Communication is highly important in helping people understand each other and the world around us. It’s through communicating what we discover that others can learn about …


  10. Lung-Yu Liang

    We always want people to understand us. Nonetheless, effective and efficient communication is not always easy, because it involves bidirectional/multidirectional understanding among people you do not …


Number of posts found: 34