Feeling-Sorry-For-Myself Day

I have been managing this semester with a kind of energy and motivation and perseverance that I have previously not seen in myself since.. well, prior to certain mental health issues. But today it is all going to stop for a little while.

I’m going home to my Mummy and to sleep in the bed that I had when I was 5, and I’m going to eat chicken soup and lay about in my pajamas and watch chick flicks with my sisters, and play the piano that I miss and see my puppy and my boyfriend. Oh, and eat cake. I never eat cake here. *sigh* – there it is. Then on Monday morning I will have done all my homework and washed all my clothes, and I will have a new sense of optimism about uni! And hopefully the confidence to wear curls and lipstick and a pretty dress to a certain ‘little’ party!!


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