
Well there is so much to say regarding what’s been going on in the last few months for me, but unfortunately first, I really need to vent my absolute disgust at some of the responses to the typical beginning of semester mass emails regarding tute swaps ect [happening on uni email]. It is so disheartening to think that students exist within this university who cannot display basic respect to other human beings – no matter how annoying their emails asking to swap tutes with someone else may be.

Patience and a strong sense of calm [no matter what chaos you may be experiencing] are two attributes of critical importance to success in business – and in life.

Those who find themselves lacking one, the other, or both…may wish to take a cold hard look at themselves and think twice before showing themselves as hot-headed fools.

Particularly when their full names are included in their email responses.

One thought on “Well…

  1. I like what you’ve just said. =P

    Those people who made the requests are really desperate and if this is the fastest way for them to meet their goals, I am ok with it.

    Personally, I stopped paying attention to the tute/prac swapping spam. Though recently I noticed this guy asking for a Physiol tute swap. Got 3+ emails from him, so I thought I could help him out. Turns out he’s in my tute. XD

    Good luck this year, Sophie. All the best!

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