University = Profit not Education

Unicard have taken monopolistic control of all Commerce Faculty computer labs.

The $10 credit each student was entitled to at the start of each semester has been removed without trace and we are now forced to purchase Unicard printing credit out of our own pocket.

Of course I find this out on the one day that I need to print one 10-cent page, the one day that I don’t have any change on me. It is ridiculous that I should have to resort to begging for money to pay for my printing that I need for an ASSIGNMENT DUE FRIDAY – and I am angry!

We pay enough for our degree as it is….every other year we’ve had this $10 credit for emergency days where we need to print and don’t have money….and now we have no backup. It’s about their profit – and our loss.

If you are in the Commerce faculty and also annoyed about this,
Feel free to complain to the Faculty General Manager who was supposedly involved in the decision process that led to our printing being controlled by a profiteering monopoly who has no care for the good of university student’s learning outcomes:

Tel: +61 3 8344 7653
Fax: +61 3 8344 3647

I have sent this person an email and look forward to hearing their response.
If we don’t get our $10 credit back I plan to take it further. It is so unfair that they should force us to use Unicard with no consultation of this decision.

5 thoughts on “University = Profit not Education

  1. I was bitterly disappointed when I found out the news at the commerce computer labs. you can print a lotta stuff with $10, especially per semester.

    Btw, well done on your internship. seems like you are all set.

  2. Thanks Georgina. I’m still waiting to hear back. Gonna call the guy if i dont hear back.

  3. David – it totally sucks. You CAN print a lot with $10. Jeez we all end up with $25 grand in debt at the end of it…least they could give us is a measly $10 print credit.

    Thanks for the congrats on internship.

    Do you have any plans to apply for things? If you need any advice, feel free to get in touch with me.

  4. Hey Sophie,

    Yeah I’m planning to apply here and there but not really expecting much. It would be great to get some advice and hear about your experience though. how do i get in touch with you?


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