A University Life

Third year has been a bit of a challenge….just in the sense of work-load increasing dramatically along with difficulty and all that jazz. The other day walking through South Lawn at dusk, I did however realise how much I would miss the place once I’m gone. The Melbourne University campus still holds such a vibe of energy for me, and is undoubtedly quite a beautiful place (at least when I limit myself to staring at the outside of Old Arts, Old Law and the 1888 building!). I guess if I admit it though….Wilson Hall does have a remote 1950s charm about it. However, I don’t know if I will ever get over the fact they didn’t rebuild the previous Gothic masterpiece after it burned down.

If one should care to seek some photos… try here to access Melbourne University Photography Archives – type “Wilson Hall”.

It is always interesting reconciling the past with the future. Tonight I somehow found myself trawling through old photos from the 1930s, 1940s and 1960s on the net. I discovered that Flickr has some quite fascinating collections. It makes me realise how important it is that I photograph as much as I can….because photos have such a fantastic power to capture the imagination.

How things do change though. Photographs from back then carried so much rawness; something that seems to lack today with digital technology that only captures perfection.

Speaking of perfection and going off track for a minute – I saw the Austrian film “The Counterfeiters” last night. 4.5/5 stars. I recommend it to those who always seek the deeper meaning of a film and are looking for something intense and thought-provoking. Don’t let the Inspector Rex element deter you!

I’ll miss University Life. The past holds much nostalgia. But, like my grandfather, I am always firmly looking to the future. There are so many adventures to be had. So much more to learn. So many challenges. I am grateful to be in a place where nothing and no one is holding me back.

I think through the past 2 years and a bit, so much has happened in my life and in this journey I have realised that the most important thing is an open mind, a touch of realism and optimism mixed together and the will to step out of one’s comfort zone. You don’t need to stray far. You don’t need to visit places you don’t know the name or travel the world alone for years.

Sometimes the richest life experiences can be had just outside your own front door.

Of course with all that said…a healthy dose of realism must be added. Life experience is a lot about adjusting expectations. It is those who are so focused on an ideal who will come away feeling disappointed and damaged – hence the need for an open mind. People are not perfect and therefore nothing in life can ever be perfect.

So upon starting University. For the first time or for another year…don’t quit just because the going gets a bit tough. University life is not always fun, and not always the most enjoyable, and sometimes it is just damn hard work….but it’s the overall experience that matters – and it’s that experience you will look back on one day with nostalgia….as the end draws near for me, I find myself within that frame of mind right now.

4 thoughts on “A University Life

  1. Thanks for the post, its motivation to make the most of my uni years. I am close to halfway but I seem to have lost the energy and drive that I had last year. My goals last year were to take more risks and to make things happen. I need to do more of that in the remainder of the year.

  2. I agree totally. I got emotional too reading the article. :P. esp during the current crisis of the Earthquake in china, i just put myself back to perspective. Life is great in Australia.

  3. David, I hope you find you way again. I think we have all been where you are at some point within our University career. It’s great that you want to take more risks and make things happen – that’s the best attitude to have…but an attitude that can be too easy to fall out of! (I speak from first-hand experience!) So you have to keep your eye on the ball – be specific in what you want to do/achieve.

    Keep an eye out for what you could get involved with that may expand your horizons….there is so much on offer – particularly at uni – but you just have to find out about it, so ask around. Find something to do that you know you will look back on one day and think “wow, I’m so glad I did that, I would never have the opportunity to that these days”.

    Best of luck and keep us updated!

  4. Hi Jim. I’m glad you can totally understand where I am right now with uni. I think I will be sad when I actually leave the campus for the last time officially, and face the end of such an amazing time – but then like I said, I am one who always looks to the future.

    I really feel for those right now who share such a personal connection to the Earthquake in China. I could see how personally-affected some of the Chinese students at the University were when they started collecting money to donate. It’s been a lot of bad news lately with the Earthquake and Cyclone in Burma too. It really does make you realise how precious every day is and how lucky are to live in this country.

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