Well I’m Back [Daniel]

Hey there everybody, I’m officially back for seconds.

Well I have been for a while, but since this is my first uni blog post I’ll treat today as something special.

So far at uni I think I’ve met up with everyone I ever could have possibly ever known from last year in the shortest amount of time at uni (all coincidental). Which is great! Yet very draining, especially since there seems to be hordes upon hordes of people I said hello to last year.

So in short uni is way too socially friendly, comparatively to last year where this time last year I was only starting to talk to people in lectures and tutes. Nowadays it’s all, “Hello, my name is Daniel pleased to meet you,” and then something interesting. Although since I am doing another first year subject (due to crazy Diploma of Languages and Bachelor of Arts fusion), Ancient Mesopotamian/Egyptian history, I’m bound to meet up with some new new people soon. Well that is if they get over their shyness/newness.

That’s what really startles me about first year students, they’re all NEW! and SHY! You can pick them out a mile away and listen to their conversations, that seem soooo utterly juvenile now, all the while thinking to yourself, “I hope I was never ever like that.” Though to be fair they’re not all bad, its just they’re so young and etc! In anycase they’ve made me feel a tad old in my second year.

Aside from those two startling revelations about university (and turning up to the wrong tute due to waking up on the wrong side of the bed because of the wake-me-up bunyip in the wall) so far things have largely remained the same.

In short:
On the holidays I looked for work, went out with friends, went to Qld, missed out on job interviews due to long distance/no internet, worked at a vineyard and practised Saxophone/Guitar whilst learning to drive (very difficult at the same time).

In long will come some time later, which’ll contain some juicy tidbits about me and a snake, and doing a handstand (that’s really it). I mean there are other things that have occurred, but to list them all down on a rainy day is quite beyond me.

Well…. not completely beyond. I’ll digress more about uni subjects and stuff. So far I’m doing two Japanese subjects (3A and Signs and symbols, shortened to the lovely acronym SS), Poetry and the aforementioned Ancient History. So far everything seems manageable (except for scary Japanese) but in terms of awesome lectures Poetry and Ancient History seem to dominate more in what they teach, while with Jap everything seems hung back (until your 2 hour seminar where you sit mouth drooling in a mind stupor of trying to understand all of what the teacher says and suitable responses). Though since it is supposed to be harder than last year I really shouldn’t complain about it. I’m ridiculously happy about the content in the Arts lectures, it makes me forget all about the horror and boredom that were the IDF subjects of last year. Go decent subjects!

Ah the joys of learning, they’re so enjoyable after a 4 month snooze of…. well pretty much snoozing. As a result of this huge lack of study this week has actually made me surprisingly drowsy after class/lectures, so much so I’m nap ready by the time I go home, or have a free. Though to get around that I’ve started going for runs again.

Ummmm, not sure what else I can/should be putting up right now. If there is anything that you (great unknown masses) want, just give me a shout. For now I’ll content myself with writable fancies of uni life and my progress with the great wheel of industry, that is finding a good casual job.

But until then!

