Could we go see the car made of flowers?

What kind of person spends Saturday evening in Uni?!?

I dunno, but apparently I’m exactly that sort of person. Last week, it was Sunday afternoon in Uni, and now this. Am I getting too attached to the campus now that I’m in my final year? I don’t reckon so.  Two words: ‘Group work’. Combine 3rd year and 4th year students in one project group and voila! you’ll instantly get timetabling clashes for meetings. Hence, half of my precious Saturday was spent in a lab instead of doing those normal things Uni students do during weekends. Now that I think about it, what do Uni students normally DO on the weekend? Being a bit of a homebody, my Saturday ‘agenda’ usually just consists of A) household chores and/or B) work. I might do some homework, if I’m up to it (95% of the time, I’m not). If I’m feeling particularly, adventurous, I might go to the city. And that’s… pretty much it. What do YOU do during the weekend?

And to add some colour to my otherwise colourless post, here’s a couple of photos from the Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show (ending tomorrow). The first one is a bit kitsch-y, but there’s this one kid at show imploring his mother ‘could we go see the car made of flowers’… quite adorable. Second one… unreal-looking tulips, I don’t dare insult the growers by calling these a bit GMO-ish, but it does make me wonder…