I kind of owe you an update, don’t I? (Suzanne)

Hey kids (and you are all kids at least in relation to my 21+ ness),

As per usual, I’m doing too many things these days – I have a new job doing research assistant work two days a week (BEST JOB EVER, for those who want to know. Unfortunately, also confidential, so I won’t say much more about it.) Also new extracurriculars, because I’m taking part, on a total whim and with no experience, in the International Humanitarian Law moot jointly sponsored by the Red Cross and the Law Students’ Society. Somehow my team made it to quarter finals. Oh, and my housemate started dragging me to taekwondo so now I know how to break someone’s wrist. Fun stuff.

The usual book review editing for the Journal and stuff for the Music Students’ Society is also taking place. The latter won’t be taking place for much longer, because in two weeks time I will be handing over power. Unless nobody else wants to be President. Which is highly likely given the mess that has come out of the VCA merger. Which is depressing. Also, we’re trying to find a boat for Music Cruise. Anyone know of any boats with cheap drinks deals?

ALSO, this winter break I’ll be going to GENEVA for one of my subjects, which is a class on international institutions. Which is really my secret to fitting it all in for this semester, because it counts as semester 1 enrolment even though the work is all in semester 2. Unfortunately, I won’t be travelling (due to $), but I’m looking forward to going to the World Bank and the Red Cross and the International Law Commission and the UN Geneva Headquarters. I have a tour of CERN booked too because that was the only free thing I could find, although I’m planning to buy tickets to the Montreux Jazz Festival as well. And I have lots of recipes for things that can be eaten straight from a can, so I won’t have to spend much on food.

So I’m feeling like a bit of a sellout, actually, because as it turns out, after four years of wanting to quit law and a litany of blog posts to that effect, I’m now actually doing more of it than the music. Oh well. All of the above put together is still less time than I spent on practicing last year.
