Yes, yes, it’s supposed to be a time when students study in preparation for exams, especially if they have one on the first week. Oh, and just my luck, my first exam is on the first day of the exam period. I haven’t done any studying though. Lately, I just find it hard to motivate myself to do anything Uni related – be it studying for exams/tests, writing essays or doing projects. Can it be that after five semesters, I’ve already had enough of Uni? I’m not really enjoying much of Uni anymore. It’s quite ironic that this is happening NOW, when I just have one semester to go before graduating. At times, I have found myself taking procrastinating to the extreme – like having an anime-watching marathon just, oh, a couple of days before a 2000 word essay is due. And that’s when I haven’t even started with said essay yet. At times, I just don’t care anymore.  And this is from someone who’s used to getting As, A+s and 90+s since primary school. Is this because I’ve had enough of studying? Of being a good student? Have I finally, after more than a decade of studying, lost steam? I just don’t know.  Tragically, I don’t know what to do about it either.

Anyone out there got any tips on staying motivated (especially from those who are in third year and above)?