Typical Friday

Friday (aka Sleep-in-day or Barely-sleep-day depending on project deadlines I have on) has been more or less eventful. As usual, I started the day with the Student Union cooking demo class within the bowels of the Union House basement. Of course, I had to dodge campaign people on my way to the Union House from the big tram stop. Oh, and horror of horrors, there was even a lone purple-clad campaigner in front of my dear architecture building. Isn’t there any place sacred to these people anymore? Luckily A) they all wear brightly-coloured shirts that make  it easier to avoid them and B) it’s the end of election week. Sigh of relief all around. Normality recommence, or whatever can pass as normality during this time of the sem anyway. Moving on. As with other weeks, there’s an Asian theme going on in the abovementioned cooking class. Ironically, all attendees of said class were Asians. Asians learning to cook (westernised) Asian dishes… might be bizarre to some, but hey, it’s not like all of us were born with a wok in our hands.

Studio class was a bit draining as always. Nothing against the tutor or the subject itself, and everything to do with the scheduling. Scheduling a four-hour class on a Friday afternoon/evening is an act of cruelty; so cruel that such practice should be banned. It’s the first time in three years that I’ve gotten a class on a Friday afternoon. So the Uni waited till I’m in the last semester of my course before slapping me with the worst class schedule ever. Thanks for that Melbourne Uni, I can surely feel the love. Oh well, at least we got some free fingerfood in class today. Apparently some catered event in the my faculty had lots of leftover food, and my tutor didn’t want to let it go to waste so voila! snacks all around. And it’s not even QOT season. Tutors in my breadth subject almost always have sweets in class come QOT (Quality of Teaching survey) period. But that’s another story altogether.

And oh yeah, I met someone who apparently has never heard of Freddos before. So that has been my one amusement of the day – explaining to someone what a Freddo is.