Five months in under 500 words

The fact that my last post is not on the first page any more has been gnawing on my guilt, and a new post must therefore be in order. So, here goes. In the five months since my last post, I have:

  • gotten my yellow and then my green belt in taekwondo.
  • settled into my research assistant job
  • been eliminated from the IHL moot (shortly after my last post on the topic – must’ve jinxed it :S)
  • retired from MSS presidency
  • gone to Geneva for a winter subject, had the time of my life, hobnobbed with diplomats and visited the UN, WHO, WTO etc etc and accumulated some debt from going to the Montreux Jazz Festival
  • gatecrashed the UN Department of Public Information/NGO Conference on Global Health thanks to that subject
  • rehearsed and performed a run of Sweeney Todd as a pit band member for Union House Theatre
  • been elected MJIL Editor for 2011
  • installed a coffee machine at my house (just a two cup drip machine, nothing fancy) and developed a severe caffeine addiction on top of my preexisting internet addiction
  • gone to Music Cruise, Music Ball, the MJIL cocktail party, and a few more social gatherings along the way; and
  • written nothing for this blog, even though we theoretically are supposed to post once a week.

So, um, sorry for the lack of postage. I realise that some of you might actually have wanted full posts for each of the bullets above (lol, stalkers), but unfortunately, were it not for the 5000 word essay I have due in two weeks one week, this post itself would never have existed.

Never fear, I still have two years of uni after this semester thanks to my six year undergraduate degree (Hear that? It’s the sound of my youth disappearing into the mists of academia while my relevance to the mostly first year and pre-uni readers of this blog sliiiides.) You might get four or five new posts out of me yet 😉

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