big day

It is holidays and so despite the pile-up of assignments and essays (I’m certain I have more work to do on the ‘holidays’.. AND I have a mid-term exam for my mex online subject!) one does big day. Or Big Days. For the past two days I’ve entertained and procrastinated by conducting big day with some friends. What is big day you say? Glad you asked.

This day is the day for oversized cooking and eating. Giant pancakes. Enormous ravioli. Humongous scones. Inspired by the pizza-sized burger we made last year, a challenge was posed to beat our previous efforts. Beat them we did. The rest of the week shall be only veggies and water PLEASE.

There are few things more exciting than big day. One of them is perhaps getting a casual job after 3 months of searching (with the lovely people who run this blog). Another is finishing an essay which has consumed better parts of days.

Just spent the past couple of hours trying to figure out how many subjects I have left to do in order to complete my degree! Yess… it turned out to be less than I thought, but may require having to undertake one subject until June. Is it bad to choose your major based on the number of hours one has to be at uni?

[hypothetical next year run-down]

Jan-Apr: Global Citizenship (online)

Feb: Wines of the World (summer intensive)

March-June: one of three possible science subjects dep on what major I choose.

Also hypothetically, this means that I’ll only really be doing one subject at any one time. I can start full-time employment as of Nov this year?!?