I’m back for more….

…..pain, that is. Remind me again why I enrolled in university? I’m clearly masochistic. Or maybe university is just less pain than working full-time? Hmm….

It’s officially the end of the first week of second year uni, and I’ve just walked out of what will no doubt be the hardest subject I’ve ever done. It’s Intro to Maths and it’s going to kill me. I would be excited that it’s almost the weekend, except for the fact that I’m working Saturday and Sunday and the remaining free time will be taken up doing homework. Fun weekend ahead for me! I’ve already informed my work (Borders, phew I still have a job!) I won’t be working as much. I’m not sure how they took it but I’m sure they expected it.

As I type this, I’m sitting in the ERC listening to Kanye West (a true genius, btw) and thinking about all of the work I could get done before the weekend. My procrastinating has gotten off to a good start!…..My time spent studying, not so much. I figure it’s Friday and we all need a break. Whether or not I actually deserve one is another question entirely, and one that I refuse to answer. I don’t want to use up my procrastinating time with self-refelction, after all.

So after I spent the past year working full-time and doing not much else, how does it feel to be back at uni? It’s definitely a reality check. I find myself having to think how to spell even the simplest words, and my handwriting has sunk to the level of a 5 year old’s. I’ve also returned to my dependence on coffee. If I look like a 60 year old when I’m 30; it would’ve been worth it.

Other than the horrible weather, terrible classes and 24 hour news ban I placed on myself (Apple, iPad, blah blah) today’s been a good day. I figure I’ve done exactly 1 hour of hard work so I’m going to go shopping. To buy what? I have no idea. With what money? I have no idea but I will find a way. Maybe I can become their new cleaner.

So I’ll finish my blog with a good, not narcissistic (*ahem* Jean Twenge) cause. Myself and a few other UoM students have started a UoM Oxfam Chapter. It’s still in its early stages (we’re recognised by Oxfam but not UoM just yet) but we’re having our first meeting this Tuesday. Here’s a link to our Facebook page so come down and say hello, steal our (free) food and get to know myself and the other lovely people that make up this group. Event details are on the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Melbourne-University-Oxfam-Group/151144901606832?ref=ts

I hope your weekend is as good as you hope, and I’ll be back very soon with more complaining about reality, and how terrible it is.