This is it (Gianina)

Oh hello there. I am quite surprised that I still have author privileges for this blog. Some of you might be wondering who the hell am I. But I suppose that’s to be expected, since I left everything hanging about, oh, three months ago. Fast forward to this month then —

Yes, I have indeed graduated and am well within my rights now to put ‘Benvs(Melb)’ after my name. Yeah… like that is going to impress anybody. As of now, I’m currently on a semi-official gap year. I have applied for the Master of Landscape Architecture for Melbourne Uni, and am supposed to be guaranteed a place for 2012 based on my undergrad average. I’ll only get my offer early next year, so it’s not quite official yet. I have been rejected for every single field-related position I’ve applied, but that might be expected since the market hasn’t been tested for Environments graduates. Now that I think of it, it’s probably for the best that I didn’t get into any full-time position because then I wouldn’t have searched for other outside-the-box options.

So then, what’s next for me, you might ask? I’ll be embarking on a working holiday in UK! Got my 1st ever Australian passport (oh, I’ve officially become an Australian last month), 2 year UK youth mobility visa, flight itinerary and travel insurance sorted so far. I have about 8 weeks to sort out everything else. It’s not quite the big backpacking trip that some people in my batch are undertaking. I’ve never been a backpacking-sort-of-girl. Probably never will be. Nonetheless, it WILL be BIG. It is, after all, my first ever solo overseas trip. And I’ll end up living halfway round the world for at least a few months. I’m nervous, yeah. But I’m excited as well! This will be a great opportunity for me explore what’s out there in the ‘big bad world’ and hopefully, grow up along the way. See, I have had this nagging suspicion that I have the emotional maturity of a 12-year-old. So off to the British Isles I go. The rest of Europe will be on my doorstep, which is a massive plus.

So this is farewell then. I’m not really good with goodbyes, and for a while there, I did consider just fading into blogging obscurity. However, blogging for UoM during my three years in Uni had been a part of my life. Thanks to Kathryn, Ron, the rest of the transitions team, my fellow bloggers and the readers of this blog. I probably haven’t blogged enough to make myself memorable but hopefully, my meagre posts enriched this blog to some degree. And without further ado, this is Gianina signing off.

Oh, and don’t forget to dream large! 🙂

2 thoughts on “This is it (Gianina)

  1. Oh wow, good luck! It’s really nice and rather inspiring to hear about what people do after they graduate (and that finally (sort of) stepping out of he education system is not like stepping off a cliff despite the studying for 16+ years of your life) While you are off doing exciting things I’d better get back to studying – and of course dreaming about what I’ll do once I do stop studying. All the best!!

  2. Hey Gianina- you’ve definitely blogged enough to make yourself memorable, thank YOU so much for being a part of it and sticking with us throughout your degree! It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to watch your journey unfold. Good luck with your big adventure to the UK, you’ll have a ball!

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