Aint got nothin’ to say: a quick update that doesn’t skimp on the poor grammatical choices!

Howdy good mornin’ forks!
Technically it’s the afternoon but I’m not into technicalities (unless it will win me some argument).
I’ll break this into dot points, for your convenience!
– Changin’ into Arts next semester, meeting up with a careers person tomorrow!
– My mum thinks I’m a nymphomaniac that only broke up with my last ex because he was gay and wouldn’t have sex with me! HAHAHA. Parents, amirite? (of course she didn’t say this to my face, she was telling this theory to my sister who said “uh, I don’t think that’s it” before running off, laughing, and informing me)
– I went to the MSO the other night and saw Edgar’s Cello Concerto. Lovely ^_^
– I feel really really bad for not getting more involved in more things on campus. I’m a hermit crab by nature unfortunately, and it seems I’m out of practise with people-dealings. You know, talking and stuff. This does not make me sad, I have a mansion from the 19C full of various people to talk to.
– Ugh. Speaking of, I happen to live with someone who very much disagrees with a lot of the things I hold close, to the point of disagreeing with all of my updates on facebook (obviously I don’t mind when people disagree, JUST BE CIVIL PLEASE ARGH). I posted a link to an article that was about the unfortunate way women are treated in comic books and he said I wasn’t part of the audience and shouldn’t complain (I’ve been buying comics for… A decade now? Wha-?), I posted about how it was disrespectful of the US to be doing nuclear testing in Japan, and he wanted proof that a certain piece of physics equipment was used, etc etc etc. Petty. Didn’t want to start something although he clearly does. =/ so I made it so he can’t see my posts. Can’t do that in real life though, hopefully he just leaves me alone… Enough drama that I didn’t ask for in my last share house. :[
– My boyfriend and I rearranged our room! GET EXCITED!
– This has been the best semester ever. Everything interests me so I feel very relaxed. It’s nice. I really like finding books for my essays for gender studies and culture and communication, last time I sat in the library in front of the relevant section for 3 hours without realising what the time was.

To conclude, have a song!

“All Australian mashup – A celebration of Australian recorded music”

EDIT: also I changed my facebook language to Afrikaans. Makes it go back to the old style. Unfortunately makes changing settings… Difficult. However it’s very pleasing that “Top News” becomes “Nuusbrokkies” ISN’T THAT RAD?!

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