Chapter Sixty-Eight: Misadventure Of The Poor Fruit Branded Computer
You know how I lost my voice after Thanksgiving Retreat? Well it turned into a sore throat that turned into a cold.
And then when the fever had subsided enough for me to be up and going to class and completing my homework… I knocked over my water bottle onto my laptop. I dried it as quickly as I could, but it still fizzled into a black screen and didn’t turn on again. And I kept my hope and took it in to the campus computer shop – but it was a goner.
I was very tempted at this point to think “as if my week hadn’t started out badly enough!” but I spent some time being rational about it and I guess the reason I had the water with me on the desk while doing homework was because I was sick so of course they had to occur in the same week. (I can hear my psychology teacher preaching to us about how when correlation occurs we should consider all the possibilities of causation between two events… whoo nerdy scienceness!)
Somehow, when you’re needing to get lots of things done and no one else to do them for you you don’t have time to stop to panic or pity yourself (certainly something I would have been doing if I had been back in Melbourne when this happened). So with a cringe-worthily small amount of deliberation or the usual hesitation I apply to making purchases let alone expensive purchases… (It takes me 10mins to decide on rice that costs $2.) I now have a new computer.
I feel like this incident exposes some spoilt-wealthy aspect as well as some technology dependent aspect of my life.
Hint: if you ever spill liquids on your computer… well first don’t drink stuff near your computer. But if you have disobeyed this rule, it seems to be the general advice that your computer has a better chance of surviving if you turn it off as soon as possible after the spill and then keep it off for a couple of days until you are sure the computer is fully dry. My parents acted like they were not to annoyed, but I think I destroyed some trust because they bought me a keyboard cover as soon as I bought the computer.