Why so many choices? (Silvia)

It has been far too long since my last post and for that, I sincerely apologise. I would grovel at your feet and offer excuses about university and work but since we’re quite a distance apart, it wouldn’t work well. So please accept this virtual grovel and forgive my laziness while I tell you why I’ve neglected writing.

I mentioned In2Science in my last post– it’s a mentoring program where uni students visit primary/secondary schools to help students with their maths/science lessons. I’m back at my old high school and the nostalgia that hits me every time is unbelievable. I see some old faces around (particularly teachers who complain I’m back again) and as I’m mentoring year 7s when they have a double period for science pracs… Best. Ever.

The kids are fantastic too– they’re so into science (geddit?) and learning. It’s the best feeling to be able to explain prac theory to them and help them understand how it relates to textbook theory. The look on their faces when they make connections is priceless! Not to mention the ecstasy and enthusiasm they exhibit when they give correct answers to questions. They’re an awesome bunch, that’s for sure.

My opinion of them only escalates and it has hit an all time high after my supervisor dropped in for a visit last Thursday to check that everything was going smoothly. It was a prac where the students experimented with light and how their paths were affected by different types of lenses. Everything went well– I went around the groups and made sure they were sketching things correctly. To be honest, there wasn’t a lot to correct because… well, the kids are that bright (another unintended pun).

At the end of the prac after my supervisor left, some of the students said they’d put in a good word for me when the supervisor chatted to them. They told her that I helped them with their work and that I, I, was really cool. I can’t believe how sweet these kids are.

And it’s because of them (plus my job as a tutor) that I’m actually considering changing my career path.

I always thought I’d travel and gain experience as a zoologist before becoming a biology/science teacher. Now I’m considering going straight into teaching. But if I do that then I won’t be able to travel because it’s irresponsible to say, “Oh, I’m going to take three months off to travel to Thailand to study elephants. You kids are going to have a substitute so study hard.”

On the other hand, I know I’ll love teaching and it’s something I can see myself doing for many years.

To travel or to teach? Geez, first world problems.

If I ever come to a decision, you guys will be the first to know. In the meantime, give me a minute’s silence because my head is doing itself in with all the thinking. As you can probably tell, I’m not much of thinker so all this roundabout thinking is causing my brain to overheat.

Peace out!