A New Year [Daniel]
Fire scorches the land, in the most unlikely state, Tasmania, and it’s the start to the bushfire season…
Oh! And a New Year, that’s something to not be glum about. I mean we made it didn’t we? Through the post years of the global financial crisis, through a year of wanting surplus, we’re here at an election year and I’ve got honours to look forward to.
A whole year of writing a paper – my paper – with claims from research, surveys of data and tables laid out, all of it mine.
And truth be told I’m a bit worried, not because of anything in particular, just the enormity of having to write something that’s big, important and pertinent, is what’s scaring me. It’s that old fear of not knowing the outcome, or that I’ll be good enough. That fear of the unknown.
But it’s the same fear that I had as a first year, as I had during Vce. It’s a first, a crazy exciting new thing (on narratives in videogames), and it’ll be fun.
I just have to do it now.
All the best for your own projects/new year tasks!
– Daniel