O-week for Honours (Culture and Communication’s kids) [Daniel]

Well one thing I can say about 0 (or is it O?) week is that it is definitely better than my first few years in undergrad. For instance they had cow costumes and a band on South Lawn, as well as what seems to be numerous free things and happenings-ons.

Not that I’m jealous mind you, in fact it’s quite nice to see the blossoming of student societies/the student union again. I’m guessing it might be from the student amenities fees that are now compulsory to pay/put on HECS. In any case, it’s nice to see stuff happening again. We’re almost back to the good ole days when everyone wasn’t so glum about clubs and societies/the union. Ah well good on em.

Anyhoo, to the topic of my post, honours. So far I’ve had an intensive subject for the year called Research Principles and Practice. In short it’s a rehash of research techniques and thesis writing styles and this and that. Some of it is repetitive, at other times you learn something new. It’s not great as a subject, but it’s probably, almost definitely useful for the rest of the year.

Plus, plus, plus it actually puts all of the honours students under the same roof, so that you get to meet them all (since I’m doing Creative Writing which is a sub subject under the school of Culture and Communications). And most of them are pretty great. I think that any hesitation, or shyness comes from this fear of someone telling you that your thesis topic is stupid. Which of course it isn’t, but that’s the fear.

Funnily enough I bumped into some old high-school colleagues that I hadn’t talked to since I finished high school. It turns out that they were also doing honours. Strange, strange, coincidences, but nice ones.

Anyway, I’m off to see the rest of my O-week through. You crazy 1st, 2nd, 3rd and maybe 4th years enjoy the preliminary uni.
