Ups and downs (Silvia)

I didn’t realise it but I’ve been on an up-and-down cycle all semester.

It’s all the assignments– I indiscriminately leave them till the last minute whether they are worth 5%, 15% or 40%, or whether they are GREAT, BIG, IMPORTANT projects or itty bitty readings for the next tutorial. And by ‘last minute’ I mean staying up till midnight the night before things are due, hunching over my laptop with bloodshot eyes, a zombified expression and a mug of green tea.

I slave away until I can’t bear looking at the screen any longer, print it off and shove it in my bag. The next day, I throw it in the assignment boxes and cheer, skipping down the stairs in celebration with my arms up in a victory pose because I won against time! I feel amazing and free and giddy like Christmas, Easter and New Years has rolled up into one massive celebration so I treat myself to a hot chocolate or bubble tea or ice-cream or yoghurt and take it easy at home. Usually I curl up with a good book, watch some anime (someone recommended One Piece and… It’s. So. Good.), tease my adorable doggie or just lying on the couch and listening to my family be busy.

Then the next sets of assignments roll in and the cycle repeats itself. It’s a vicious, vicious cycle. I’m not sure I’ll be able to wrench myself out of it, not even when exams are looming in the horizon. I keep looking at the calendar and telling myself that I have time when clearly, I do not.

If only there was a cure for procrastination! But until there is, or until I stop being lazy, I think I’ll keep going with my self-destructive cycle of up-and-down.