New Year, New Me (Bella)

Nothing like a cliche quote to announce my return, right?
Hi everyone, this is Bella, from the 2015 First Year Blog!
I can’t believe we are 3 weeks into uni already… I’ve already been to many parties… oh, and lectures and tutes, of course.
Even though I’m in second year now, I still have those surreal moments on the tram to uni when I realise that I MADE IT INTO MELBOURNE. I will really work hard this year to make the most of my time here and achieve what I know I can! I’ve been lucky to meet so many amazing people constantly and get involved around campus.
So what did I do over the summer?
This summer, I was a tutor at VCE Summer School (for year 11/12 students) and a host at Destination Melbourne (a pre-orientation camp at St Hilda’s residential college) – two great programs run by UMSU (the student union). It was really cool returning to Destination Melbourne – I actually went as a first-year in 2015 – and passing on my wisdom.
What’s the plan for this year?
Well, I am doing my psych major officially now, so that means two psych subjects a semester! Yay! This semester they are Biological Psychology and Developmental Psychology. They are a nice complement to each other.
For my arts discipline subjects, I am taking French 7 to count towards the Diploma of Languages I’ll be applying for at the end of the year, and Creative Nonfiction which I’m loving so far.
I would really like to get a H1 in both my psychology subjects this semester if I can, write a piece I’m super proud of for Creative Nonfiction and get back on track with my French grammar.
So, those are my academic goals, and as for the personal? Well, I’d like to be more outgoing and keep up my friendships with all the awesome people I’ve met in first year and so far this year. I’ve always been a bit shy so coming to uni was definitely a bit difficult at first – but I’ve made it this far and I feel as if I’m growing as a person day by day and becoming so much more confident.
That’s all from me for now – I should probably get back to study! The only setback so far has been getting sick and therefore a bit behind… but I’ll catch up! Luckily only one more week of classes and the Easter break. Mmmm, chocolate.
Till next time,
Bella 🙂

One thought on “New Year, New Me (Bella)

  1. I love that you’ve been up to so much over the summer and that you’ve set such exciting goals for semester 1. Looking forward to reading about your second year journey. We’re all behind you. Go Bella!

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