Chapter Fourty: Ba Ba Ba! (~jinghan)

Ah…. Ba Ba Ba — Barbara Anne ♪

Ba Ba Ba — Barbara Ann ♫

Ba Ba Ba — Barbara Ann ♬

You got me rocking and a rolling, rocking and a reeling, Barbara Ann ba ba…. ♪♫♬

Ah… the poor man sitting at the back of the tram making a desperate effort to look like he was still engrossed by the book he was reading despite the fact there was a mob of crazy singers singing Barbara Ann (by Beach Boys) at the top of their voices right into his ear.

Welcome to Mudfest!

I don’t actually know what Mudfest* is but it was fun. We all dressed up in vintage and sang the hell out of a tram full of people tambourine and all: Coca Cola by little red… Good News (traditional Fijian)… Halo by Beyonce… Sesame Street Theme Song… Soul Bossa Nova from Austin Powers… Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow…

…All the way from VCA to Melbourne Uni.

And then we got off at the Melbourne Uni and everything had been made beautiful by Mudfest. There were lanterns all over the trees, cellophane over the lamp posts, giant structural puppets dressed in fairy lights, people handing out jars that glowed…

Like the Alice in the land of Wonder, we followed the crowed up into union house and on the second floor where there is usually practice rooms for clubs and societies it had been turned into a lounge bar where people drank punch out of boots and wine out of jars. (Boot shaped cups and jar shaped jars!) The roof had been draped in assorted op-shop bedding, the floor tapped down with mismatched carpet, soft jazzy music, milk crates for seats and there was even a beer garden with synthetic grass and a temporary white-picket fence.

It was beautiful!

And so I snuggled my boyfriend and soaked up the atmosphere and regretted not staying longer when my father came to pick me up.

Now I am filled with the urge to drape assorted bed sheets from my ceiling.

*Mudfest is 10 days of events and shows jam-packed tighter than a sumo in a mini, the University of Melbourne’s biennial student arts festival – accroding to