More random thoughts
Criticise any of my comments plz .
I feel fake, tired, inadquate what !!! , I am not happy. A bit depress, brain tired, clouded with weights.
I need confidence. I will love myself.
Trust ppl, trust myself
I will change, get better
difficult time elicit some serious thoughts about myself. I think every students should write about their experience on this blogging site, this is a privilege for everyone.
about love. Why should I love: why should I love other for free, as my obligation. That is the topic of my legal theory essay. Justice for others. Responsibility for others. (CITING LEVINAS)
(CITING LEVINAS) yeah u guys should read levinas, he teaches us ethics and experience some pain of writing the essay on him.
Whw why why why why why why why whyw
I am suffering because I feel the guilt. I feel I am an evil person, not caring, not want to care for the people suffering. ***can this be the evidence for the theory, that there is an imposed moral duty to care for others???
Thanks to law, I am more aware of these human right issues? 😛
Struggling. Up and down like a cycle. Life is so complex.
I realize how inadequate I am. There is so much knowledge. My friends, people around me seem to know so much stuff. And I……errr. Keep improving dude.
I think the law degree gives me a big head. I have to realize this is only one area of knowledge/skill. I am having this underlying feeling that I am better than other people. I don’t like that .
I think I am a selfish person.
Deep down. i wanted people to like me, like u guys reading the blog. I hate doing the blog for this purpose. The ethic is telling me I am a bad person. In the end………actually it is ok to think like that as long I am living the way I am, and writing the truth on this blog, not pretending.
Attention seeker. Is that bad? U tell me.
Criticise any of my comments plz .
Life is a difficult journey…all you can do is share how you feel and try to think rationally about any issues you are facing.
Ultimately finding the confidence within oneself is a thing that takes a lot of time. Some days you will have it, other days you won’t.
The best thing you can do is just keep going and NOT give up.
Ultimately perseverance will get you where you want to go.
It is important to care about the bad things going on in the world, but you can’t let that over-take your every day life. At least you are aware. So many people have no interest or care for even KNOWING what goes on in the world. If you feel really upset about it, try to make a small contribution e.g. volunteer your time to a charity or donate money if you have spare cash available, also just informing other people about the state of the world is a worthwhile avenue to pursue.
I don’t think you are arrogant at all Jim! Hell – you ARE doing one of the hardest degrees at uni!
And for the record, we do like you. I always love your posts and hearing your very honest views about life and the world.
Best of luck.
thank you sophie, it is a challenge, i will do my best to conquer it.