Busy but good

Everything is busy but good.

Had a wonderful break. The first week I did NOTHING! Absolutely shocking I know! Lol.

I had my birthday party in the first week of the break as well…am the big 2-0 now…I had a BBQ lunch with the theme “A Touch of Nautical” – it ended up being a stunning day of about 22 degrees with sun and blue skies…so me and about 9 of my closest friends spent a lot of time out on the deck talking and laughing. The party started at 12:30pm and my last guests didn’t leave til 10pm at night! It was such a fabulous day…good food and great company. I am so lucky to finally reach a point in my life where I am surrounded by people who I hold the deepest respect for; people who are so genuine, honest and full of integrity – and of course who provide the most witty and interesting conversations I could hope for! Everyone got along really well which was nice, because a lot of people didn’t know each other – my friends are all very different people from very different places; I don’t have one homogeneous group that all hang out together at uni – that’s not me, and I don’t think it ever will be me.

Anyhow…spent some time shopping, got myself an Ebay account [finally!!] and discovered an obsession with trawling for things to buy online! As an op-shopping fanatic, Ebay is like having 1,000,000 opshops on your doorstep!

The second week I hit the books hard and did a lot of study. It was wonderful to finally catch up on a few things I’d been behind on. The whole summer internship process really puts your study schedule out of whack. Now everything is good though and I’m feeling very positive heading towards exams.

Not much else going on really. It is all rather sedated! Organising Trivia Night for the PIS [which is a nightmare], have a million assignments due, and about 10 extra family members living at my house [over from NZ for my uncle’s 60th]. Uni is just so full on when you get back into it all – which is a good thing. The days are passing so quickly and exams will be here before I know it….

Gotta run.
