ARRRRRRRRRR – O’Week, and a short letter to First Years.

O-Week! I’m certainly certain that I had even more fun during O-Week as a host than I did as a fresher.

I dressed as a pirate! And we sure plundered the free stuff on concrete lawn. I did enjoy the shared enthusiasm for free stuff… =D

Fun was had, by me at the very least. Several attempts were made to steal my tricorn hat, but I saw ’em coming.

Unfortunately, I was terribly, terribly late for the second meet-up, so I haven’t a clue if anyone actually showed up. Stupid metro. 🙁 Although I did stress to my group that I wouldn’t feel sad if they didn’t show up – not cause I didn’t want to see them, just cause I know all about the importance of sleeping in….

I got to meet the charming and witty fellow-blogger Jinghan! That was a highlight for me, having blogged, ranted and raved in a narcissistic and needless manner for over the last year together! Granted, given our silly hats, we were both quite easy to spot. =D

Dear First-Years:

My, you’re enthusiastic. With your maps out, a worried expression, constant rushing around, and your unexplainable desire to buy all the textbooks. But that’s okay! It makes you easy to spot! Except for that latter descriptive, that’s slightly harder to notice.

There is an excellent guide to University – full of very helpful hints that I wish I had access to – in Farrago. You’ll see copies around, don’t be shy. Take one! They’re free! It has other entertaining articles too – but do take note of what that guide suggests.

And – if you’re finding the University to be generally very busy on the whole, don’t worry. It slows down, it just seems that the first few weeks are noticeably busy. All the slackers will stop coming to classes, and you, oh-worthy-and-studious-student-thing, will remain.

Buy a Union membership. Go to the Rowden White library. Embrace it, it is your saviour.

Attend your practicals – and you if you can’t due to illness, you need to get a Doctor’s Certificate on the day you were ill. (is that common knowledge? I didn’t know that. Not even the day after is any good…)

Buy a myki. Let’s face it, they’ll probably keep the system. And you need to save money! For important things, like nice paper to write on. Mmm.

Join the University Stalkerspace on facebook.

It isn’t used as much as it used to be, unfortunately, but it is still often entertaining. And please, do post! It’s fun! And if you are stalking that hot thang in your tutorial, you may as well put it out there for all the world to know. It’s (probably) less weird!

I can’t think of anything to add to this. But keep up your enthusiasm! And if you’re not liking a certain subject, change it before the census date, so you don’t have to pay fees! Don’t forget to check the LMS!

Hope you have a great year.

Love from the pirate.