Chapter Twenty: Genesis (~jinghan)

In the last chapter: Things were finally turning around for Jinghan, she was finally getting the hang of being positive about life… and then her boyfriend broke up with her. It was unexpected and it came in the form of a internet conversation late at night when there were no friends to turn to and nothing to cry to but a pillow. It wasn’t fair, thought Jinghan, I’m trying so hard to be positive about life, I was finally getting somewhere, but my fortune is still against me.

On the first day, God created light and Jinghan cried into her pillow until exhaustion brought sleep.

On the second day, God created the sky and the earth and Jinghan worked off her anger and frustration on that familiar 25m of water.

On the third day, God created the land and the sea and Jinghan contemplated how much it hurt and why it hurt.

On the fourth day, God created the day and the night and Jinghan let herself open up to people and their love again and found that her friends were comforting and glad to help.

On the fifth day, God created creatures of the sea and sky and Jinghan found the capacity to communicate her hurt and to find the potential for forgiveness.

On the sixth day, God created creatures of the land, man and woman and Jinghan finds the path to happiness again and resumes her journey.

On the seventh day, God rests from his work and Jinghan having found emotional peace rests with him.

It wasn’t fair, thought Jinghan, but maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that I was finally feeling positive about life, because I might not have had the strength to look after myself otherwise and I might not have had the same strength of perception that has helped me through this week.

2 thoughts on “Chapter Twenty: Genesis (~jinghan)

  1. Oh, this news is so out of the blue. Good to see you’re okay! Not the greatest time of the semester for any kind of emotional hurt, it’s hard enough keeping one’s head above water with all the pressure of uni…
    You’re obviously a very strong person anyway, I’ve got great faith in you ^_^
    It’s such a shame you weren’t able to talk to me on facebook or something, I’d have been happy to chat! Next time feel free to harass me heh heh.

  2. <3 aw thankyou. everyone has been oober nice for me, so I'm feeling pretty damn on top of the world at the moment.

    but wait… the story continues..

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