Category: Careers, decisions

  1. Well!

    Applied to be an Arts student for the midyear intake. Changed major to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Have no idea what the hell I want to do. Suggestions/comments/criticism?

  2. They serve chocolate in hell

    I’m feeling mildly nostalgic and I have no idea what over? I’m sitting in a bar after having just finished my last essay for this semester and I’m feeling a little underwhelmed. Probably because I know come tomorrow, it’ll start all over again (studying, French orals, blah!!). The last time I blogged I had a […]

  3. I’ve been having a pretty dodgy semester.

    I'm very happy at the moment. I'm not doing well at Uni, I am aware of it. I'm not sure where I'm headed. I feel conflicted about the people around me. But I'm embracing the moments that are precious to me, and I'm making use of what time I have. Even if it isn't by studying...

  4. The future is rapidly approaching

    So it’s almost the end of semester one and I still don’t know what to do with my life. As you can imagine, this is of course extremely encouraging. One more semester, then comes third year and its research project and internship. Internship. How can I possibly do an internship if I don’t know what […]

  5. $$$

    “Quality and quantity” always seemed like a perfectly ambitious way to approach life. I pondered this when as a school student I was always told “quality over quantity”, particularly when critised for writing long essays that rambled on about nothing or giving speeches with a similar problem. The two philosophies are separated in order to prevent them from […]

  6. FML

    I went to see Mark Ronson perform at the Palace Theatre on Bourke St last week – all in all a great concert, despite the mood being soured by one particularly individual with whom I made acquaintance. The conversation when something like this: Random: hey man, are you a uni student? Me: yeah man, I’m […]

  7. Chapter Seven: Sick and Tired (~jinghan)

    “Ah… but what happened to your negative?” I ask my student knowingly. “But didn’t I factorised it out?” I look at the page again. Shit. She did too. I’m being out-mathsed by a yr12 student. “Oh damn you did too! You’ll be teaching me soon!” I joke, “It’s not my fault, I’m sick.” I make […]

  8. Decisions – also, fetish clubs?!

    Hello and welcome to another round of Shannon-style throwing words at the audience blogging. I’ve been a busy little bumblebee, or so it seems. Not in terms of doing much Uni work – mostly in terms of trying to keep up with birthdays and events and the occasional “HEY MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY, REMEMBER MY FACE?” appearance. […]

  9. Chapter Five: Drifting Off and Slowly Sinking (~jinghan)

    My belly feels bloated, and my brain too. But not the crammed-with-interesting-thoughts sort but the blubby-useless-for-anything sort. It’s so bloated that I can’t even work out why I’m feeling like I’m slowly sinking in a world where other people have noble and passionate goals and I’m just drifting through. It’s Monday. And I’m staring at […]

  10. Back to Uni [Daniel]

    Well it seems to be that every time I come back to this blog I feel like I’m sneaking back into the house at 2am or finally replying to a friend’s email sent 3 months ago. You can interpret that as either a failure of discipline or an overbearing guilt complex (I’d go with this), […]

Number of posts found: 81