Category: Careers, decisions

  1. So many places, too little time (Georgie)

    Right now I am sitting in the loungeroom, in my newly bought, enormous, white dressing gown with a bunch of international students. 1st of all, I’m feeling very stupid (yet again) that I only speak english, further entrenching the idea in my head that I want to learn Spanish in the near future. I’m sitting […]

  2. The Finale, Farewell

    A comment by a reader of the blog got me thinking….where have I been and where am I now? In First Year I was a bright-eyed, optimistic and excited student, determined to take advantage of every opportunity that possibly existed for me at The University of Melbourne. Being the first in my immediate family to […]

  3. Funny how things turn out… (Suzanne)

    So I’ve been reading the really old diaries I kept when I was still in high school, and I came across this comment: “I found out at the college fair today that one Australian university offers music and law double degrees. I don’t think I’ll apply for it – too stressful. Why would anyone want […]

  4. Misery or Opportunity? what is in my head?

    Misery or Opportunity? what is in my head? The story begins 2.5 yrs ago, where I first entered Uni with hope of being able to excel if I continue to work hard. First year ended, my belief has diminished a bit. Second yr ended, another portion of belief has diminished. No across the half way […]

  5. Life after Bachelor…?

      source: OK, thanks to Suzanne, I can see we’re in week 7 … WEEK 7! OMG!!!  *calms down*  Soon we’ll have the exams and the mid year break, and semester 2 and… well… third year. Despite all the sleepless nights that will soon arrive and no time to think of other stuff, I can’t help […]

  6. In the last moment (Kripa)

    Well, 3 weeks into the second year and I’m still just settling down.  The fact was, in my course, second year is when you choose which branch of food science you want to go into. Food science and biotechnology, food science and marketing, food science and technology. I chose biotechnology and as s result, I […]

  7. A Jumbled Post (Georgie)

    Well hello again. It’s third week back, and I thought it about time to make post. Make a post? Perhaps write a post.  Uni is, as alway, awesome. I was a little worried before I came back about the expectations of second year arts and the fact that we’re in tutes with 3rd 4th 5th […]

  8. Hi, it’s me. Again. (Suzanne)

    Hello everyone. We, the first year bloggers of 2007, have now officially become the second year bloggers of 2008. So, I thought I’d reintroduce myself to those who follow the latter blog but not the former: Name: Suzanne Studying: Music/Law From: Officially enrolled as an Australian citizen born in Sydney, but I’ve lived in Hong […]

  9. 85 Broads? What the hell is that ’bout?

    So inspired by Johanna’s mention of attending the 85 Broads launch event next Tuesday night…and much to my excitement that someone I kind-of-sorta-know is attending our launch event, I thought I would take the time to briefly mention to any readers about the existence of 85 Broads on campus. 85 Broads is a global womens’ […]

  10. Plan B Ambition (Johanna)

    ‘Tis an unfortunate fact of life that, whenever I have major assignments due, my brain kicks into overdrive. The unfortunate part comes into play on the fact that my brain isn’t milling over the cultural capital of literary adaptations or trying to get my head around Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. One of the big things plaguing me […]

Number of posts found: 81